The South Carolina Wildlife Federation's Conservation Awards are designed to recognize and encourage outstanding achievements in the conservation of South Carolina's natural resources and in the preservation and enhancement of the quality of our environment. Recognition is given for exceptional accomplishment and effort by individuals or organizations.
Their 2009 Harry Hampton Woods and Waters Conservation Memorial Journalism Award was awarded to Janie Marlow with these comments:
"Janie Marlow spearheads the publicity and public relations efforts for the South Carolina Native Plant Society. Her many contributions are hugely valuable to conservation efforts in South Carolina, but they pale in comparison to her magnum opus, a plant identification and study website called Name That Plant: Native and naturalized plants of the Carolinas and Georgia.
The site facilitates access to plant ID photos in different growing seasons. It includes taxonomic information on a large and growing number of regional native and naturalized plants as well as invasive plants.
In creating this website, Janie has made a huge amount of important information easily accessible and useful to thousands of people."
Type only the first 2-3 letters to choose from a dropdown list of genera (this can be especially helpful when you're not sure of the spelling).
If "wooly" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "woolly" or just "wool".