
A storehouse of information
about native and naturalized plants
of the Carolinas and Georgia.

“People only protect what they love,
but they can only love what they know.”

— Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Now 19 years old and knit together with over 40,000 lines of database code, NameThatPlant.net is still a work-in-progress. Your comments and/or corrections make the site more useful for us all!
Address them to webmaster @ namethatplant.net

The ReadMeFirst page is a good place to start. Then use the search tool to query by common or scientific name, by family, or even by describing the plant.

Check out the gotcha's! Explore the articles, links, and innovative teaching keys....

On NameThatPlant.net, you can see plants pictured in different seasons (not just in flower), hear Latin names spoken (by real people), look up botanical terms, get a feel for various natural communities, and discover botanically interesting places to visit.

From NameThatPlant’s plant-detail pages you can connect directly to the corresponding pages of sites such as Flora of North America, Weakley's Flora of the Southeastern States, SERNEC, Plants National Database, and Vascular Flora of North Carolina; and you can find a list of field guides that provide more information about that species along with time-saving page numbers.

NameThatPlant.net currently features 28,362 images of 4,191 plants* (you can browse the lists below). For over half of these taxa, the pronunciation of at least one of its scientific names or synonyms is demonstrated by the click of a button.


Last updated: 24 February 2025
Copyright © 2006-2025 JK Marlow

A database-driven website.


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Rose-pink Spatterdock Groundnut Pale Avens Perplexing Tick-trefoil Climbing Hempweed