
Construction of these comparisons is ongoing....

COMPARE Aaron's Rod and Golden-banner

COMPARE Adder's Mouth and Adder's Tongue

COMPARE Alumroot, Foamflower, and Miterwort

COMPARE Anglepod and Spinypod (Climbing Milkweed)

COMPARE aquatic plants

COMPARE armpits of Cinnamon and Interrupted Fern

COMPARE Arrowhead, Arum, Elephant's Ear and Pickerelweed

COMPARE asters with heart-shaped leaves

COMPARE Baby Blue Eyes and Buttercup Phacelia

COMPARE bark of American Hornbeam and Tag Alder

COMPARE Beggar's Lice (Tick-trefoil) species

COMPARE bipinnately compound leaves of forbs

COMPARE bipinnately or tripinnately compound leaves of shrubs

COMPARE bipinnately or tripinnately compound leaves of trees

COMPARE bipinnately or tripinnately compound leaves of vines

COMPARE Butterfly-pea species

COMPARE Canada Sanicle and Pale Avens

COMPARE Cherokee Rose and McCartney Rose

COMPARE Chervil, Corydalis, and Fumitory

COMPARE Clasping Mullein, Moth Mullein, Wand Mullein, and Woolly Mullein

COMPARE Cohosh, Doll's-eyes, and Goatsbeard

COMPARE compound leaves of woodland herbs, with toothed margins

COMPARE compound leaves of vines

COMPARE cones of Fir, Hemlock and Spruce

COMPARE conifers (not including Pines)

COMPARE Crossvine, Trumpet Creeper and Yellow Jessamine

COMPARE Crow-poison and Fly-poison

COMPARE Dame's Rocket and Fireweed

COMPARE Dandelions and Dandelion-like species

COMPARE Dewberry species

COMPARE Elf-orpine and Puck's Orpine

COMPARE Fairywand and Lizard's Tail

COMPARE False Garlic and Star-of-Bethlehem

COMPARE False Nettle, Wood Nettle and Stinging Nettle

COMPARE False-foxglove species

COMPARE Flowering Spurge and False Flowering Spurge

COMPARE flowers of Bellwort species

COMPARE flowers of Buckeye species

COMPARE flowers of Cinquefoil and Strawberry species

COMPARE flowers of Dicentra species

COMPARE flowers of Horsebalm species

COMPARE flowers of Jewelweed species

COMPARE flowers of Lady Lupine and Sky-blue Lupine

COMPARE flowers of Maple species

COMPARE flowers of Pale and White Avens

COMPARE flowers of pink-flowering Locust species

COMPARE flowers of Sassafras and Spicebush

COMPARE flowers of white-flowering Trilliums

COMPARE flowers of Wisteria species

COMPARE foliage of Danthonia species

COMPARE Fragrant Sumac and Poison Oak

COMPARE fronds of Netted Chain Fern and Sensitive Fern

COMPARE fruit of Catalpa species

COMPARE fruit of Elaeagnus species

COMPARE fruit of Elderberry species

COMPARE fruit of Galium, Geum and Sanicula species

COMPARE fruit of Indiangrass species

COMPARE fruit of Lauraceae family

COMPARE fruit of Plumegrass species

COMPARE fruits that are an aggregate of achenes

COMPARE fruits that are an aggregate of berries

COMPARE fruits that are an aggregate of follicles

COMPARE Grass-leaved Golden-asters

COMPARE grass-like leaves of woodland or meadow flowering herbs

COMPARE Hepatica species

COMPARE Hop-hornbeam and Hornbeam

COMPARE Hop Clover species

COMPARE Indian Pipes, Pinesap and Pygmy Pipes

COMPARE involucral bracts of Bidens and Coreopsis

COMPARE involucral bracts of Black-eyed Susan and Cutleaf Coneflower

COMPARE involucral bracts of Centaurea

COMPARE involucral bracts of DYCs

COMPARE involucral bracts of DYCs with ray and disc flowers

COMPARE involucral bracts of DYCs with ray flowers only (no disc)

COMPARE involucral bracts of North American asters

COMPARE involucral bracts of Rattlesnake-root

COMPARE involucral bracts of Silphium

COMPARE involucral bracts of Sunflowers

COMPARE involucral bracts of Thistles

COMPARE involucral bracts of Wild Carrot/Queen Anne's Lace species

COMPARE involucral bracts of Wild Lettuce

COMPARE Juniperleaf (Polypremum) and Pearlwort (Sagina)

COMPARE Large and Small Whorled Pogonia and Indian Cucumber-root

COMPARE leaf scars of Ash species

COMPARE leaf scars of Sumac and Tree-of-heaven

COMPARE leaf undersides of Kalmia and Rhododendron species

COMPARE leaflets of Mimosa-like leaves

COMPARE leaves of American Lovage, Hairy Angelica and Water Hemlock

COMPARE leaves of Bellwort species

Compare leaves of Big-leaved Aster and Schreber's Aster

COMPARE leaves of Black, Chalk, Florida, Norway and Sugar Maple

COMPARE leaves of Black, Northern Red, Scarlet and Shumard Oaks

COMPARE leaves of Blackgum and Persimmon

COMPARE leaves of Blue Curls species

COMPARE leaves of Carolina Rose and Swamp Rose

COMPARE leaves of Cherrybark Oak and Southern Red Oak

COMPARE leaves of Chestnut and Sawtooth Oak

COMPARE leaves of Chestnut Oaks and Chinquapin Oaks

COMPARE leaves of Clematis species

COMPARE leaves of Clethra and Itea

COMPARE leaves of Dicentra species

COMPARE leaves of Dwarf Iris and Dwarf Crested Iris

COMPARE leaves of Elaeagnus species

COMPARE leaves of Fernleaf Phacelia and Virginia Waterleaf

COMPARE leaves of Fragaria and Potentilla

COMPARE leaves of Galax and Oconee Bells

COMPARE leaves of Geranium, Larkspur and Monkshood

COMPARE leaves of Giant Ragweed and Sassafras

Compare leaves of Gillenia species

COMPARE leaves of Goodyera species

COMPARE leaves of grape-like species

COMPARE leaves of Grass-of-Parnassus species

COMPARE leaves of Hazel Alder, Hazelnut, Witch Hazel and Witch-alder

COMPARE leaves of Hairy Sunflower and Woodland Sunflower

COMPARE leaves of Hydrangea species

COMPARE leaves of Indian Cucumberroot, Starry Campion, Whorled Coreopsis and Loosestrife

COMPARE leaves of Joe Pye Weed species

COMPARE leaves of Kalmia and Rhododendron species

COMPARE leaves of Locust species

COMPARE leaves of Magnolia species

COMPARE leaves of Mapleleaf Viburnum and Maple species

COMPARE leaves of Mountain Maple and Striped Maple

COMPARE leaves of Mugwort, Ragweed and Spanish Needles

COMPARE leaves of Mulberry species

COMPARE leaves of Peppervine, Trumpet-creeper and Wisteria

COMPARE leaves of Pin Oak, Scarlet Oak, Shumard Oak and Texas Oak

COMPARE leaves of Poison Ivy and others confused with it

COMPARE leaves of Silverbell, Spicebush and Storax

COMPARE leaves of Snakeroot species

COMPARE leaves of Spring Beauty species

COMPARE leaves of Sumac and Tree-of-heaven

COMPARE leaves of Taxodium species

COMPARE leaves that resemble Thalictrum

COMPARE leaves of Toothwort species

COMPARE leaves that are trifoliolate and palmately compound

COMPARE leaves that are trifoliolate and pinnately compound

COMPARE loments of Desmodium species

COMPARE Monkey-flowers

COMPARE Mousetail and Plantain

COMPARE needles of Fir, Hemlock and Spruce

COMPARE ocreae of Jumpseed and Smartweed species

COMPARE Osmorhiza species

COMPARE Palm and Palmetto species

COMPARE palmately veined leaves of vines

COMPARE pedicels of Gerardia species

COMPARE Pencil-flower and Viperina

COMPARE petal shape in yellow-flowering Trilliums

COMPARE petiolar glands of Chamaecrista

COMPARE pinnae of Cinnamon and Interrupted Fern

COMPARE pinnately compound leaves of forbs

COMPARE pinnately compound leaves of shrubs

COMPARE pinnately compound leaves of trees

COMPARE Pitcherplant species

COMPARE Rue-anemone and False Rue-anemone

COMPARE Salvinia species

COMPARE samaras of Ash species

COMPARE seedheads of Bottlebrush Grass, Cereal Rye, Little Barley, and Virginia Wild-rye

COMPARE seedheads of Sporobolus species

COMPARE sepals and bracts of Bindweed and Morning Glory

COMPARE sepals and bracts of Cinquefoil and Strawberry species

COMPARE Sida species

COMPARE Silky Dogwood and Southern Swamp Dogwood

COMPARE small white asters

COMPARE Solomon's Plume, Solomon's Seal, Twisted Stalk, and two Bellworts

COMPARE stamen color in yellow-flowering Trilliums

COMPARE stems of Joe Pye Weed species

COMPARE stems of Rhexia species

COMPARE stems of Sumac species

COMPARE Stewartias


Our ability to see fine differences is greatly enhanced by a knowledgeable patient mentor. similar to examining suspects in a police lineup