A Guide and Key to the Aquatic Plants of the Southeastern United States
Don E. Eyles, J. Lynne Robertson, Jr., with original drawings by Garnet W. Jex
The introduction states, “The purpose of this compilation is to enable workers in the field, with little knowledge of botany, to identify at least generically those fresh water plants with which mosquito breeding is associated. It is hoped that the keys and short notes with their accompanying illustrations will obviate the use of the difficult and cumbersome manuals which are at present the principal source of knowledge concerning the Southeastern aquatic plants, and will enable the worker to make more accurate and adequate evaluations of the area in which he is working....
“Divisions in the key are made in as great measure as possible on vegetative characters... Each genus of the main key is illustrated by a drawing of a representative plant....”
US Dept. of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife. Reprint of Public Health Bulletin 286 (1944).

To select from a dropdown list of genera, type only the first 2-3 letters.
If "briar" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "brier", etc.