Flora of northern Alabama
Daniel D. Spaulding, et al.
The Flora of northern Alabama is a comprehensive floristic guide to native and naturalized plants found within the Interior Plains and Appalachian Highlands physiographic divisions of northern Alabama — However, even a quick glance reveals usefulness far beyond that region.
For every taxon that is included, each volume of the Flora includes identification keys, photographs, illustrations, maps, habitats, distributional data, pertinent synonymy, and comments.
Dan Spaulding is Naturalist and Curator at the Anniston Museum of Natural History in Anniston, Alabama. Read more here.
The Flora of northern Alabama is a collaborative project of the Anniston Museum of Natural History.
The free PDFs may be downloaded here below or from Phytoneuron.net.
- Flora of northern Alabama, part 3. Primitive Angiosperms
D.D. Spaulding, T.W. Barger, H.E. Horne. (120 pages) 2018. - Flora of northern Alabama, part 4. Basal Monocots: Acorales and Alismatales. Sweetflag to Pondweeds
D.D. Spaulding, T.W. Barger, H.E. Horne, B.J. Finzel. (132 pages) 2019. - Flora of northern Alabama, part 5. Liliaceous Families
D.D. Spaulding, J.T. Kartesz, H.E. Horne, B.J. Finzel, J.K. England. (262 pages) 2021. - Flora of northern Alabama, part 6: Orchid and Iris Families
D.D. Spaulding, J.T. Kartesz, B.J. Finzel, T.W. Barger, E.C. Soehren, B.R. Keener, J.K. England, H.E. Horne, M.T. Spaulding. (165 pages) 2023.

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