A Guide to the Wildflowers of South Carolina
Patrick D. McMillan, Richard D. Porcher, Douglas A. Rayner, & David B. White*
Dramatic advances in plant taxonomy and ecology have occurred since this guide was first published 20 years ago; new species have been discovered while others struggle to survive in the face of vanishing habitats and climate change. This revised and expanded edition catalogs nearly 1,000 species organized by habitat, with color photographs, range maps, and descriptions — as well as tips on differentiating similar species, phonetic spelling of Latin names, comments on pharmacological uses, suitability for garden cultivation, origin of common and scientific names, and conservation status. Many trees and shrubs are included as well as wildflowers.
The authors also offer essays on carnivorous plants, native orchids, Carolina bays, the roles and effects of fire and agriculture on the landscape, the pronunciation of botanical names, and detailed descriptions of the plant communities throughout the state's major natural regions.
* Dr. McMillan is a botanist, host of the Emmy Award-winning television series Expeditions with Patrick McMillan, and former director of the South Carolina Botanical Garden. Dr. Porcher is professor emeritus and former director of the herbarium at The Citadel in Charleston, SC. Dr. Rayner is professor emeritus of biology at Wofford College in Spartanburg, SC.
University of South Carolina Press.

To select from a dropdown list of genera, type only the first 2-3 letters.
If "briar" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "brier", etc.