Identifying Trees
An All-season Guide to Eastern North America
Michael D. Williams*
Created for both in-the-field and at-home use, this field-tested guide features color photos showing not just leaves, but bark, branching patterns, flowers, fruits, nuts, and overall appearance as well. The book includes a section on tree structure and life stages, a winter ID guide, and a leaf identifcation key, and covers every common tree in eastern North America.
* Michael D. Williams worked as an area forester with the Tennessee Division of Forestry. He was widely known for his ability to explain complicated forestry concepts in terms that were fresh, simple, and practical.
Stackpole Books.

To select from a dropdown list of genera, type only the first 2-3 letters.
If "briar" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "brier", etc.