Last Child in the Woods
Richard Louv
“Nature... offers something that the street or gated community or computer game cannot.
Nature presents the young with something so much greater than they are;
it offers an environment where they can easily contemplate infinity and eternity.”
Louv verbalizes the gut feeling in many of our hearts that yearns for our children to experience the out-of-doors firsthand, that is appalled if the local school no longer allows students to play at recess, that mourns for a child's sense of wonder that our culture so hurriedly squelches.
Not only that, but he has researched the ramifications, and he articulates connections between a child's interaction with nature, his involvement with and sense of place, and his imagination, creativity, sense of well-being, and (worryingly) more. The disconnect with nature continues into adulthood as the trend today is for universities to discourage studies in the natural sciences....
A thought-provoking book.
Algonquin Books.
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