Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants
C. Colston Burrell
This inexpensive book should be in the hands of every conscientious landscaper and home gardener: It does matter what we plant in our own backyard!
Many exotic plants were invited into our gardens as guests, but they have turned on us by invading our natural areas and crowding out our native species — Colston Burrell tells us some of the commonly used trees, shrubs, vines, herbaceous plants and grasses that have become invasive.
The book also addresses such questions as What is a native plant? What is local provenance, and why is it important? What are the characteristics of an invasive species?
Best of all, he offers a wealth of native species to use as alternatives to invasive exotics, providing such information as ornamental attributes, landscape uses, growing tips, hardiness, and native habitat and range.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden.