Wildflowers of the Atlantic Southeast
Laura Cotterman, Damon Waitt, & Alan Weakley
From the preface: “This easy-to-use field guide is your introduction to more than 1200 wildflower species found in the Atlantic Coastal states (and West Virginia) from New Jersey south to Georgia....
“The ability to differentiate the greenness that surrounds us has to start somewhere — and that somewhere is usually a good wildflower guide that shows us that plant identification is not an unknowable mystery revealed only to botanists.... It is our hope that this new resource will... start you down the path to a sustainable relationship with nature through a better understanding and appreciation of plants.”
As in many field guides, plants are grouped by flower color; however, they are additionally organized by key identifying characters — in a system not unlike the pioneering classic Newcomb's Wildflower Guide. The result is a book that displays plants with similar traits side by side on the same page. Very helpful! The range maps and carefully written descriptions further illuminate each plant. (Do not skip over the Key to Wildflowers on page 48.)
Timber Press

To select from a dropdown list of genera, type only the first 2-3 letters.
If "briar" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "brier", etc.