Wildflowers in the Field and Forest
A Field Guide to the Northeastern United States
Steven Clemants and Carol Gracie
This field guide, like so many others, focuses on the northeastern US. It’s included here because it is useful in the Southeast too, and because it presents its information in a somewhat different way than most others.
It is intended primarily for people who want to identify wildflowers by looking at photos. The descriptions are intentionally brief (but packed solid) and, in combination with 1) a “quick guide” at the top of each page that outlines characters common to all plants on that page, 2) photographs grouped by flower color, and 3) maps showing range and bloom season, provide an interested non-scientist a quick and handy way of identifying plants. With a plant's name in hand, the user can build on that knowledge using other books or the web.
In addition to the more common and conspicuous wildflowers, the guide includes many species that are often overlooked (a total of over 1400 species descriptions, most with a photo).
Learning to know and appreciate our native plants is the key to preserving them, and Wildflowers in the Field and Forest opens that door to us all.
Oxford University Press

To select from a dropdown list of genera, type only the first 2-3 letters.
If "briar" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "brier", etc.