Flora of the Southeastern United States
Alan S. Weakley & the Southeastern Flora Team
Over the last forty years, new species have been described and many alien species have become naturalized. Nomenclature accepted only a few years ago has been found to be invalid; more reliable keys have been developed; molecular research is uncovering previously unknown relationships. Weakley's Flora assembles this rapidly changing body of knowledge into a comprehensive and up-to-date resource.
As a "failsafe," the keys will often include other genera readily mistaken for the one at hand. And when there is controversy regarding a plant's scientific name, Weakley often includes a short explanation as to the source of disagreement or the research which prompted the change. He conscientiously puts an asterisk beside the name of plants not native to the area, elaborating in the text: "apparently introduced from further west" or "native to eastern Asia." And every now and then, into this mass of facts, he'll insert something that you have to smile at, such as Charles Darwin's "Hurrah! hurrah!" when he keyed his first grass....
Not yet published, a PDF of the current draft is available free online —
Access an interactive online version of the Flora of the Southeastern United States here: https://fsus.ncbg.unc.edu/
The University of North Carolina Herbarium.

To select from a dropdown list of genera, type only the first 2-3 letters.
If "briar" doesn't deliver the results you want, try an alternate spelling such as "brier", etc.