Your search found 15 image(s) of loments of Desmodium species.
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Naked Tick-trefoil,
Hylodesmum nudiflorum
Legume (loment) straight across one edge and scalloped along the other, per Atlantic Coastal Plain Wildflowers (Nelson, 2006).
Heartleaf Tick-trefoil,
Hylodesmum glutinosum
Fruits 7.5-9mm, generally concave above, assymmetrically rounded below, per Native and Naturalized Leguminosae (Fabaceae) of the United States (Isely, 1998).
Roundleaf Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium rotundifolium
Loment of (3-)4-6 segments, both margins about equally indented, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Matted Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium lineatum
Loment segments convex above, symmetrically rounded below, per Leguminosae (Fabaceae), vol 3, part 2, Vascular flora of the southeastern United States (Isely, 1990).
Florida Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium tortuosum
Loment of 2-7 segments, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas. Each 3-3.5mm long, per Weakley's Flora.
Florida Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium tortuosum
Loment segments nearly symmetrical (diamond, rounded-diamond, or ~ elliptical), per Weakley's Flora.
Hairy Small-leaf Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium ciliare
Loment of 1-2(-3) subovate segments, each 3.5-6mm long and 2.8-4mm broad, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Smooth Small-leaf Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium marilandicum
Loment - upper slightly convex to almost straight, broadly rounded below, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Stiff Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium obtusum
Loments similar to D. ciliare & D. marilandicum, with 2-3 rounded segments, per Leguminosae (Fabaceae), vol 3, part 2, Vascular flora of the southeastern United States (Isely, 1990).
Panicled Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium paniculatum var. paniculatum
Loment segments angled on lower margin (thus triangular to sub-rhombic), per Weakley's Flora.
Smooth Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium laevigatum
Loment's upper sutures straight or slightly convex, lower abruptly angled, per Vascular Flora of the Carolinas (Radford, Ahles, & Bell, 1968).
Velvety Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium viridiflorum
Loment straight, with (3)4-5(6) segments, per Weakley's Flora (2012).
Tall Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium glabellum
Each side of ventral margin of most articles straight to slightly convex, per Weakley's Flora (2022).
Perplexing Tick-trefoil,
Desmodium perplexum
Each side (from the isthmus to the broadest point) of ventral margin of most articles concave, per Weakley's Flora (2022).